Manual Testing vs Automation Testing – Which Is Better?

Manual Testing, Automation Testing, Software Testing, Automated Software Testing

Manual testing and its importance:

Manual testing is an important part of the software development process. It is a type of testing that requires the tester to manually execute and examine the functionality of an application. Manual testing is a time-consuming process, but it can be done in parallel with other tasks and it can be used to test complex applications.

This type of testing is typically carried out by testers who are experts in the product and its requirements. They use their knowledge to understand how the product should work, identify any potential issues, and report on their findings.

What is Automation Testing and How Does it Differ from Manual Testing?

Automation testing is a software development process where a program or scripts are used to test the functionality of an application.

Automation testing is one of the most popular methodologies for software testing. It helps in reducing the overall testing time and cost. Automation testing can be done by both manual and automated methods. But manual methods are more popular because it provides more control over the test process and it’s less expensive than automated methods.

Manual tests are also known as exploratory tests because they explore the system to find bugs that may not have been found with other types of testing, like unit tests or integration tests. Manual testers use their knowledge of the product to understand what might happen when certain features or functions are used together.

The Importance of Automation in Today’s Business World:

 Automation is being used in many industries to increase efficiency and optimize workflows. It can be used to improve the customer experience, make employees more productive, and reduce the cost of doing business.


Companies have been using automation since the industrial revolution to increase efficiency and productivity. With automation, there are fewer errors in production, less time wasted on manual tasks, and more time spent on creative tasks.

Automation can also be used to improve customer service by responding quickly to customer inquiries with an automated chatbot or voice assistant.


Employees can become more productive when they use software that automates their repetitive tasks or automates their workflows altogether. This leaves them with more time for creative tasks that require human intelligence like solving problems or coming up with new ideas.


Costs can be reduced by using automation software for routine tasks like data inputting or repetitive calculations so that employees don’t have to do them. This is done by automating a process using software and hardware that takes input from sensors and produces outputs in response to those inputs. For example, a robotic arm can be programmed with advanced software so that it can be used for heavy-duty tasks like welding or assembly work, which would otherwise make a human employee very uncomfortable or unsafe.

Which Type of Test Approach Should You Use – Manual or Automated?

 Many factors help in choosing the right type of test approach.

1. The complexity and size of the product being tested: Manual testing suits small-sized products while automated testing is a better fit for large-sized products.

2. The number of testers available: If there are not enough testers at your disposal, then you should go for manual testing to save time and resources.

3. The budget available: Manual testing is cheaper than automated testing and requires less time, so it is an appropriate choice if you have limited resources to spend on the project or if you are working on a tight budget.

4. The nature of the product being tested: If the product being tested has a lot of variations in its UI, then manual testing will be more suitable because it can take care of all these variations with ease, whereas automated tests can only handle one variation at a time and will need to be reworked manually for all other variations after every change made.

Is it necessary to migrate to the cloud? How can migration to Cloud Transform a Business?

Cloud migration is the process of moving data, applications, and computing power to a cloud provider.

There are several advantages to this process. One of the most notable is that the company can save money on hardware and software. This is because they don’t have to buy new servers or software licenses anymore. Another advantage is that they can access their data and applications from anywhere in the world.

The Cloud is a fundamental shift in the way we think about storing and accessing data. With the cloud, you can store your data on remote servers that are accessible from any device with internet access.

The cloud offers many benefits for enterprises, but there are also some drawbacks to consider before making the switch.

Cloud computing is a new way of storing and accessing data, which means that it can be accessed from any device with internet connection. One of the benefits of cloud computing is that it’s more cost-effective than traditional methods because you only pay for what you use and not for what you have available in your servers. Another benefit is that it makes sharing information easier as all employees have access to it without having to go through complicated procedures or wait for approval. The downside of this technology is that it’s not as secure as other storage techniques because anyone can access your information if they have an internet connection, even if they don’t have authorization to do.

Benefits of Migrating your Business to Cloud:

Cloud computing offers many benefits to businesses. One of the most important benefits is the scalability of the cloud. The scalability of cloud means that a business can scale up and down quickly to meet their needs, without having to invest in hardware or software.

The second benefit is security. Cloud providers have a lot of experience with data and have built-in security features that protect your data from outside threats. In addition, if you choose a public cloud provider, you can leverage the same security features as large companies like Google and Facebook do for their customers.

The third benefit is mobility. With cloud computing, it’s easy to access your data from any device you want – whether it be your phone or tablet at home or your laptop at work – if you have an internet connection!

How can migration to Cloud Transform a Business?

A business can benefit from the migration to the cloud in many ways including improved security, better infrastructure, and more efficient data storage.

It is important to note that while migrating to the cloud may seem like a good idea, it is not always the best decision for every business. It is important to have a clear understanding of your needs before making any decisions about whether you should migrate your company’s data.

Cloud is transforming the way we do business. It is a natural progression from the traditional client-server model to the cloud model.

The migration to Cloud is not just about moving files and data from one place to another. It’s about changing the way we think about doing business.

Cloud enables you to focus on your core competencies and let us take care of your IT infrastructure, software licenses, server management, backups and disaster recovery.

Cloud Migration Services

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Why we use Big data and how it benefits businesses?

What is Big Data?

Big data is a term that refers to the large sets of data that are too large and complex for traditional database software systems to capture, store, manage, and analyze. It is a term that refers to high volumes of structured or unstructured data generated from various sources including websites, social media platforms, mobile devices, sensors, wearables, etc.

The volume of big data has increased exponentially over the past decade with the advent of the internet and digital technologies. The world produces 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day and this number is expected to grow at an exponential rate in the coming years.

What are the Different Types of Big Data?

Data is a term used to describe the information that is collected and stored electronically. Data can be in the form of text, numbers, images, or sound. There are two types of data: structured and unstructured. Structured data is organized in a way that it can be easily read by machines and humans alike. Unstructured data on the other hand is not organized and cannot be read by machines as they lack context.

Types of Big Data include:

– Structured Data: This type of data includes databases, spreadsheets, and documents with a consistent format.

– Unstructured Data: This type of data includes social media posts, blogs, videos, pictures, and voice recordings – Structured Data: This type of data includes databases, spreadsheets, and documents with a consistent format.

How do we get the most out of Big Data?

Big Data can be used for many different purposes, from predicting future trends to improving customer experience. The best way to get the most out of Big Data is by having a vision for where it will take you and knowing how it can help you reach your goals.   

The best way to use Big Data is by combining it with other forms of data analysis. For example, we can combine Big Data with machine learning to predict what will happen in the future. We can also combine it with visualizations and other forms of data analysis to make sense of it all.

What can Big Data do for your Businesses?

Big Data can be analyzed in many ways, but the goal is always to extract useful information, knowledge, and insights from the raw data. It can be used for several purposes such as:

1. Big Data helps you make better decisions:

Big data helps companies make better decisions because they have access to more information than ever before. They can use this data to predict future trends, which gives them an edge over their competitors.

2. Big Data helps you understand your customers:

 Companies can analyze the data they collect on customers and use this information to understand their needs and wants more deeply, leading to a better customer experience and stronger relationships with customers.

3. Big Data leads to increased productivity:

By analyzing data sets, businesses can find patterns and create workflows that increase productivity.

4. More efficient operations:

By making use of big data, companies can streamline their operations and increase efficiency.

5. Improved customer service:

By having access to more information about customers, companies can provide better service to their clients.

6.  Improved risk management:

Using big data, companies can identify and reduce risk before it becomes a major problem.

Big Data

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Why we use Big Data and How it benefits businesses?

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Everything you need to know about getting Software Development estimates accurately

A software estimate is an estimation of the time it will take to complete a task, project, or job. It can be used in business, engineering, construction, and other fields.

Software estimation is done by estimating the effort level for a given task. It can also be done by estimating the time it will take to complete a task. Software estimation is usually done through planning and scheduling software such as Microsoft Project or Microsoft Excel.

There are two ways to estimate software: bottom-up and top-down. The bottom-up estimate is done by breaking down tasks into smaller tasks that can be estimated individually while the top-down estimate is done by breaking down the entire project into smaller tasks that are estimated together as one whole project.

Why Do You Need an Estimate for Your Software Development Project?

Software development projects are expensive and require a lot of resources. It is important to understand the cost of your project before you start working on it.

Estimates are a crucial part of any project management process and should not be taken for granted. They ensure that the client is aware of the estimated costs and timeframes for the project.

Software development projects have a lot of moving parts, so it is difficult to estimate them accurately without knowing what you are doing. To get an accurate estimate, software developers need to know what they will be developing, how long it will take, and what resources they need to complete the project successfully.

software Development

How to get a Software Development estimate accurately:

Software Development Estimate:

The Software Development Estimate is the document that outlines the cost of developing a project or product. It is usually provided by the software development team to their clients. The point of this document is to outline what the cost will be for developing an application and what it will include. This estimate can also vary in terms of how long it takes to develop an application and whether or not there are any other associated costs with development such as training, hardware, etc.

A Software Development estimate is used to assess the cost and time required for a project. This estimate is then used to determine a project’s budget and scope. The software development estimate process includes estimating, planning, estimating again, budgeting, scheduling, and controlling costs.

Here are the steps involved in the software development estimation process:

1) Establish a schedule that matches your needs.

2) Estimate how long each task will take.

3) Set up a budget based on the estimates you’ve made.

4) Create a schedule with tasks in order of their estimated time required

5) Plan around any constraints such as available resources or deadlines that may apply

6) Monitor your progress and adjust your schedule as needed.

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Software Testing Trends to Look out for in 2022

Technology Trends in Media and Entertainment

Technology is changing the way we consume media. With the rise of digitalization and new technologies, there is a lot to be excited about in the media industry.

5 Technology Trends in Media and Entertainment that you should be excited about:

1) The Rise of Digitalization

2) The Rise of Augmented Reality

3) The Rise of Virtual Reality

4) The Rise of Interactive Entertainment

5) Blockchain

Digital Transformation:

How Technology is Disrupting the TV Industry?

The TV industry is one of the most lucrative industries in the world. However, with the growth of digital technologies, TV is being disrupted.

Digital transformation has been a significant factor in how digital technologies have changed the TV industry. It has led to changes like more content being available online and people watching less traditional channels.

One of the most popular ways for companies to stay on top of their game is to use AI writing assistants to generate content ideas at scale.

The emergence of Augmented Reality:

The emergence of Augmented Reality has been an exciting trend in recent years. It is a technology that blends virtual and real-life to create a new experience.

The use cases of AR are limitless, as it can be used for gaming, education, marketing, healthcare, and many more.

Augmented reality is a technology that has the potential to disrupt traditional business models and even change the way we live our lives.

Blockchain Entertainment:

Blockchain is the next phase of innovation in the entertainment industry. It is a new way to distribute, store, and protect digital assets.

Blockchain technology can be used to create new ways of content distribution and ownership. Blockchain-based entertainment platforms are already making waves in the industry.

Blockchain has been a growing trend in the entertainment industry for quite some time now. The digital rights revolution brought about by blockchain has opened opportunities for a new type of content distribution model – decentralization and democracy at scale.

Rise of Virtual Reality:

Virtual reality is the digital medium of choice for many companies in the tech industry. It has a unique ability to create immersive experiences that are hard to replicate in any other medium.

Virtual reality is becoming a popular trend in advertising and marketing, with brands using it to increase their reach and engagement.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Media and Entertainment:

AI is likely to have a significant impact on the media and entertainment industry. The technology can be used in a variety of ways, from aiding journalists and editors, enhancing the user experience of content creators, and even creating new forms of entertainment.

The AI revolution has already started in the media industry. Media companies are already using AI tools to enhance their content creation process. Technology can also create new forms of entertainment that would not have been possible without it.

Artificial Intelligence is coming into its own in the media industry as well as other fields such as finance, medicine, education, etc. With AI assistants taking over tasks previously done by humans, humans will be able to focus on what they do best – creativity and emotions.

Is your application or software concept going to become the newest advancement in entertainment and media technology?

V2Soft is a leading application development solution provider for the entertainment industry and we are always committed to bringing the most cutting-edge technology. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you with your next project.

Emerging Technology Trends in Media and Entertainment

How to create a Test Plan for Software Testing

What is software test plan and what is it used for?

A software test plan is a document that outlines the scope, approach, resources, and schedule for a software testing effort. It provides the basis for developing a test strategy and executing tests.

A test plan is an important document in the software development process. A well-written test plan can help ensure that all aspects of the product are thoroughly tested before release.

A software tester is responsible for executing tests on a software product to find out if it meets its stated requirements or not.

-Testers usually run more than one test at a time, and they may need to ask the product owner questions while they document the results of each test.

-Testers are usually the most qualified to make any design or change recommendations and they often have a higher level of responsibility than other members of a software development team.

-Testers are often the most qualified to make any design or change recommendations and they often have a higher level of responsibility than other members of a software development team.

Team Structure, Responsibilities, and Communication:

A team structure is a set of relationships between people in a company or project. The goal is to make sure that the people involved are working together effectively.

The responsibilities of a tester are to ensure that the product being developed meets quality standards and customer needs. They also test the product for any bugs and errors before it goes live.

A testing manager is responsible for overseeing the entire testing process, ensuring that all aspects of quality assurance are met. They also help with team management and strategic planning.

Objectives of a software test plan:

Software testing is an important process in the life cycle of software. Software testing is a process that helps to ensure that the software is ready for use and release.

The objectives of a software test plan are to:

– Identify risks and errors in the software product

– Identify the proper testing techniques and tools

– Establish testing procedures

– Establish quality assurance processes

Test Design Process & Methods to Employ During Testing:

The test design process is a key part of testing. It is the process by which testers create and execute tests to evaluate a product.

In exploratory testing, testers are given no specific instructions on what to test. They explore the product as they go, looking for bugs and other issues. This is a manual process that can be time-consuming and expensive when done manually. Automated testing is done using software to automate the process of testing a product. This type of testing can be faster and more cost-effective than exploratory testing methods, but it can also miss bugs that are found by humans in manual tests.

Manual testing is when a user explores the product manually by interacting with it and looking for any issues. Automated testing, on the other hand, uses software to probe the product and look for errors.

The Importance of Having an Effective Software Test Plan:

A software test plan is a document that outlines the process of testing the software. It should contain information about the following:

-The team that will be working on the project

-Who will be testing the software and how they will be doing so

-What type of tests are going to be conducted on the product

-The expected results of each test

-How long it will take to complete all tests

These are essential for any organization, large or small, that wants to ensure its product performs as it should.

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Software Testing Trends to Look out for in 2022

Software testing is an important part of the software development process. It is crucial to identify and fix bugs in the software before it is released to the public. A good software testing service provider will help you find out any potential bugs in your product, and help you fix them before it’s too late.

Software testing project managers are responsible for making sure that a software product or application is tested thoroughly before release. They ensure that there are no bugs and errors in the product, and they make sure that all requirements are met.

The importance of software testing cannot be overstated, as it impacts software quality, cost, and time to market. The process helps ensure that the product is robust and capable of meeting user needs without any defects.

Software testing service providers offer many different types of services related to software development and deployment. These range from test planning and design to testing execution, test automation, and release management.

Future trends in software testing 2022

Software testing is a vital part of the software development process. Software testers are responsible for validating the quality of the software and finding bugs before they reach the end customer.

Software testers are responsible for validating the quality of the software and finding bugs before they reach the end customer.

The role of a tester is to ensure that any new or updated features work as expected, that there are no regressions, and that all aspects of quality have been addressed.

Software testing is an integral part of any development process and it’s important to have a strategy in place to manage it effectively.

Software testing has evolved with new methods being introduced as technology advances. The future trends in software testing 2022 will be discussed in this article below:

– Automation: Automation is the process of using software, firmware, or hardware components to control functions which are normally requiring human input.

Automation is commonly used in all aspects of software development, including testing.

– The Unified model: The unified model improves the effectiveness and efficiency of software testing by integrating different test methods into a cohesive framework.

– Integration: Integration is an integration of phases in software testing. In general, integration is the process of combining different test methods (like unit and functional) into a cohesive framework. Phase 1: Test Planning- This phase contains a test design and definition.

Phase 2: Test Executing- This phase contains test execution and tracking.-This phase has four states that are optimal for each type of testing (unit, functional, integration).

– States: A/D Testing/Testing State 1: This state is when the tester is making sure all their test cases cover all the requirements.- If a new requirement comes up that the tester didn’t consider, they must pause testing and either add a new test case or update the existing test cases.

– Testing State 2: This state is when the tester is going through all the tests in their list and making sure everything works as expected.- If something doesn’t work properly, they must pause testing and add a new test case or update existing ones.

– Testing State 3: This state is when the tester is going through all the tests in their list and ensuring that everything works as expected.- If something doesn’t work properly, they must pause testing and add a new test case or update existing ones.

The Evolving Role of Software Testing and Its Importance in Building Sustainable Quality into Software Systems:

Software testing is a process that ensures that the software functions as it should and that it doesn’t have any bugs.

Software testing includes the following activities:

– Checking whether the software performs its intended function

– Checking whether the software has any bugs or errors

– Checking how well the software works with other programs and devices

– Testing for security vulnerabilities

– Testing for how long the software can work before needing a restart

– Monitoring whether any of the product’s features are being used excessively Testing a product or service

Software Testing

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AI-Driven Testing

The Full Suite of Software Testing Services from V2Soft

V2Soft drives automation and innovation into your software testing and QA operations throughout the application development, installation, and maintenance. We endeavor to gain a comprehensive understanding of your testing needs across applications, modifications, integrations, and release cycles before tailoring our testing solutions to match your specific needs.

With V2Soft’s specialized tools and experience with both open-source and accredited testing technologies, we can create and execute a comprehensive test plan that will improve the efficiency, agility, and accuracy of your testing cycles in the application development

Streamlined Process is one of the advanced services featured in Testing Services:

Access to the Software Testing as a Service site is fully secure and authenticated, allowing you to view subscription contracts and allocate user-level access.

Collaborative Plan and schedule your tests.

View the scope of forthcoming cycle test scripts, including testing cadence and crucial dates.

View real-time test run results and switch between different cycles with ease.

Views of Test execution results and this can be seen in a detailed view. 

Do you have concerns with the quality, performance, or security of your software?

Through a Testing Center of Excellence, V2Soft streamlines people, processes, tools, and infrastructure (TCoE). By standardising testing, improving resource consumption, and increasing efficiency across project teams, our TCoE allows us to provide maximum value to our customers.

Software Testing

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What is AI testing and how does it work?

Choose cloud services that address your specific company requirements – V2Soft

As huge IT companies and modest start-ups release new technologies and platforms targeted to current businesses, the cloud services market continues to grow. By next year, analysts predict that about 28percent of the world of investment in key enterprise IT markets will be shifted to the cloud, but not all cloud providers are made equal.

The intense competition in the cloud services market has posed new obstacles for businesses wanting to leverage cloud-based IT to solve specific business concerns. As a result, businesses may accidentally spend in services and features that they will never utilize, or under-invest in key technologies that will serve as the foundation for their larger cloud transformation initiatives.

When it comes to budgeting, striking the correct balance between multiple cloud service providers is critical to the success of any cloud migration. Rather than focusing on specific cloud solutions, company leaders should look for cloud service partners who can assist them solve specific problems and future-proof their core IT systems.

Of course, when using several cloud service providers, this can be difficult, since it often necessitates additional cloud broker capabilities and complicates cost optimization methods.

If you have questions about moving to the cloud, contact V2Soft or reach us at

Cloud Services – V2Soft

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Why V2Soft as your IT partner?

V2Soft Supports the Technology that Supports your Business

IT solutions and services that are consistent and quality are essential for supporting your business. You can be focused on your business when you are partnering with the right outsourced IT partner. We make it simple for businesses to get the latest tools and technology in the right terms.

Whether you need IT outsourcing or want to expand the skills of your in-house team, V2Soft has a solution to achieve your needs. We provide the best services and help you to manage your IT services. With a unique interactive platform, we also make it simple and convenient to obtain IT support and services.

Need an IT Partner? Choose V2Soft.


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